Donatella e Mauro - Itália

Dear Zelfa,

no time to write before in order to thank you for the really nice experience! We've enjoyed the cruise very much and above all we have appreciated the really good organisation through Quark and yourself.

You sent me lots of papers and infos, some people aboard, who had booked the cruise through travel agencies in their own country hadn't got by far all the necessary infos we had. !! The stay at Guido's was pleasant too. I spoke to the elderly woman (of Italian origin, like many many Argentinians) at the reception, who allegedly took over the reservation by you for us, and she told me that you are "fantastic", and I think, she's right.

This time we didn't meet, but Mauro and me travel a lot to South America, and who knows, maybe one day we'll succeed! In the meanwhile, all the best for your both private and professional life!

Donatella + Mauro , Italianos - Orlova Feb 20, 2009

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Andre Dydek

Dear Zelfa,

I cannot thank you enough for organising my Antarctic Cruise in December last year.

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Dear Zelfa,

We really appreciate all your help, we had an amazing time in Antarctica. Thanks a lot!!!

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Hans Horlyck

Hello Zelfa

Argentina - I was there 4 weeks - there is a lot more to see - I will return. Antartica - once in a lifetime - fantastic.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:


Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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