
Itineraries - Arctic

Let's go to the North Pole !Cruises to the Arctic: Svalbard Spitsbergen- and Canadian High Arctic

Map of North Pole and Canadian Arctic


The Arctic


A huge frozen continent surrounded by wild and beautiful land - is one of the last frontiers on earth.

Few people have traveled to this pristine wilderness and even fewer have explored its remote seas and coastal areas by ship.


Icebreaker 50 Years of Victory in the North PoleThe Arctic comes alive in July and August. Summer activities with a rush, bringing warmth and almost continuous daylight, along with a rich collection of wildlife. Polar bears, musk ox, walrus, seals, whales and seabirds are just some of the animals that we see. The Arctic is also home to small numbers of people who, against all odds, have thrived and developed some of the hardiest societies on the planet.

On board the Icebreakers: Akademik Ioffe, Akademik Sergey Vavilov, Sea Spirit and Sea Adventurer we visit Greenland, the High Arctic of Canada and venturing into the lower latitudes of Labrador & Newfoundland.

On board the nuclear icebreaker 50 Years of Victory we reach the top of the world, the 90º North, using its powerful 75,000 HP. We embark in the famous Russian nuclear port of Murmansk for an unforgettable adventure.

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Send your request to Zelfa

who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Ioana and Alex

Dear Zelfa,

We arrived home safely a few days ago. The Antarctica trip was amazing - great team, they were all very passionate about their job, the ship was also nice, we got a last minute upgrade to a bigger cabin.

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Stacy Stephans

Hi Zelfa!

It was so wonderful. We had an absolutely fantastic time.

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Marshall Carter

Dear Zelfa 

I have not been successful in putting stuff on your website....what a wonderful trip it was. I hope that you are well....and not too warm...Katherine is doing extremely well in university and we'll surely be back

Dreaming in White...

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:

E-mail: antartida@antartida.com.br

Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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