Michelle Stefanick

Hello there Zelfa

Happy New Year to you as well. What a life changing experience. It couldn't have been more perfect -- the most stunning scenery with the most perfect weather, calm waters (most times :-), wonderful traveling companions and a fantastic crew, accompanied with great food and good cheer -making this a most memorable time of my life.

My goal was to travel to all seven continents and with this trip to Antarctica, I accomplished it.

And I'm so delighted I selected your company, Quark Expeditions, to achieve it! Thanks for such a wonderful time and for making it such a memorable experience for me! Here's wishing you a healthy and most prosperous New Year! 


Cheers, Michelle Stefanick - Orlova Dec 2006

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Jessica & Marc Galens

Hi Zelfa,

Yes it was nice to meet you as well. Thank you for your hospitality and for all your help in booking our adventure. We really had a fantastic time and hope we get the chance to go back one day. 

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L. Gil & Maria Alba

Oi Zelfa,

Vacations were AMAZING!!! If fact, it were far beyond amazing! We saw so manyincredible landscapes that is really difficult to describe them with justice... being able to see whales and to stay close to seals and penguins was out of this world... we felt deeply moved by the whole experience.

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Ana Steyer

I just came back for a wonderful trip to the Arctic where my sister and I went to see the Polar Bears! Our trip started in Oslo and from there we flew to Svalbard/Spitsbergen, the region between the 74 and 81 degrees North.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:

E-mail: antartida@antartida.com.br

Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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