Marshall Carter

Dear Zelfa 

I have not been successful in putting stuff on your website....what a wonderful trip it was. I hope that you are well....and not too warm...Katherine is doing extremely well in university and we'll surely be back

Dreaming in White...

Back home now in El Paso for a year after reluctantly leaving Antarctica and the wonderful Ocean Nova ship, I find myself thinking about the wonders of this great frozen desert. Not long after returning I began to work with the biology faculty and their students who went to Antarctica in December 2007 on Quark to do climate change research - we've recreated something of the magic of Antarctica in our special exhibit at "my museum," the Centennial Museum at UT-El Paso. It's a huge hit, as hundreds of school children go through and plan to become scientists and visit with the penguins - and promise to reduce their carbon footprint to help the penguins.

This trip was to share some time with my only niece, who grew up in she's a freshman at University of Virginia.if she graduates with honors we'll make a return trip (given her straight-A record so far, I think we're on our way!). The icebergs were gorgeous and the ship was a beauty. And one exceptionally nice feature about the Ocean Nova was the ease of getting on and off the Zodiacs, at sea level. You won't know what you missed if you don't take a trip on Quark/Antarctica Expeditions - but you will be missing the trip of a lifetime!  


Marshall Carter - Tripp, Ocean Nova Jan 2008

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Peggy G.

Hi Zelfa,

Where to begin… Our trip was WONDERFUL!! We had fantastic time!

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Dear Zelfa,

We really appreciate all your help, we had an amazing time in Antarctica. Thanks a lot!!!

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Ron & Pete

Hi Zelfa,

Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful time Pete and I had on our Antarctic Quest expedition.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:


Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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