Linda & Dave Haataja

We're back in Sao Paulo.....just arrived this morning. We had a FANTASTIC trip!!Got your fax on the ship too. Saw 13 polar bears all within a few kilometers of each other.

One had killed a seal and was eating it when a mother and her cub decided to take it over. We watched them for about a half an hour. It was incredible to see. Dave took the polar plunge into the Arctic. I couldn't do it. I was designated video person, so I've got it on tape, and a couple of pictures too I think. Looking forward to seeing you when you get to SP. We'll have to show you some of our pictures!!

Linda & Dave Haataja, Sao Paulo, Brazil - North Pole July 2005

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Torsten Murin - Germany

Crossing the Antarctic Circle

Dec 13 - 27, 2005 on board the Professor Molchanov

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Tom Sutherland

Dear Zelfa


The expedition was a great success, many thanks for all your help in making the arrangements.

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Birgit Hjortlund

Dear Zelfa,

Came back yesterday evening after a fantastic trip.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:


Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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