
Dear Zelfa,

No words can justify the beauty of what I saw with my bare eyes. It was in my personal opinion one life affirming journey!

We have learned so much, discovered the unknown and met the most inspiring, exciting people on the ship, both crew and other guest alike.

Polar Latitudes did a tremendous job in keeping us intrigued everyday! This trip has definitely exceeded my expectations, partly because I 'blindly' volunteered to follow my dearest friend Nurul on this trip to achieve her goal, and trusted in her decision for going to Antarctica. In short, leave all expectations behind and you will be truly amazed.

Oh one more thing, we loved our cabin room!!! I was pleasantly shocked at the space and size of it all. Plus waking up every morning to breathtaking views from our room, could not get any better than that!


I would also like to thank you Zelfa for making this happen. 

Much inspired,

Ariel, on board the Sea Explorer Jan 15, 2015

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Send your request to Zelfa

who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years



hi Zelfa

The trip was great thanks you for everything Meshy.

Israel a bordo del Sea Adventurer Dec 6, 2012

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Lance and family

Antartica and the Cruise were  beyond our wildest imaginations!! The weather was great and we saw tons of penguins, whales and even orcas. I think I saw five whales breaching. The girls had a blast in the snow.

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Ana Steyer

I just came back for a wonderful trip to the Arctic where my sister and I went to see the Polar Bears! Our trip started in Oslo and from there we flew to Svalbard/Spitsbergen, the region between the 74 and 81 degrees North.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:


Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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