Ravipal Singh

Hi Zelfa, I'm back home in Los Angeles after an incredible nine weeks in South America. 

I had an absolutely fantastic time in Antarctica. The people aboard, expedition staff, Clipper staff, Clipper ship itself, the food, wildlife, Vernadsky, weather, crossing the Antarctic Circle were all absolutely magnificent.

Sheridan and Jamie were a lot of fun- we all shared many laughs together. Thankfully I was able to recover my photos from Antarctica and I have attached a shot of the three of us on Prospect Point for our official continental landing and also one of me taking the polar plunge in 1 degree celsius water!

Thank you for organizing this trip Zelfa. It was a pleasure meeting you in BA and seeing that globe with all the push-pins in your living room inspired me to continue my quest for global exploration. I decided to create something similar. I have to admit, the Salar de Uyuni was gorgeous, galapagos fantastic and I picked up a large wooden moai on Easter Island too! Many people are already asking about trips to Antarctica and I am highly recommending that they contact you. Take Care. Sincerely.


Ravipal Singh, USA - Clipper Adventurer Feb 2009

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Bea Schmied and family

Hi Zelfa,

Antarctica was Awesome!!!!!! Everything was just perfect and we did not find anything we could complaint! 

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Dearest Zelfa,

Again I want to say many thanks to you for all the wonderful things you did for me and the friendship you shared.

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Rob & Christine

Exhausted but very happy.  Antarctica was just super fantastic.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:

E-mail: antartida@antartida.com.br

Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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