Tom Sutherland

Dear Zelfa


The expedition was a great success, many thanks for all your help in making the arrangements.

We set a new "furthest south" record for the Prof. Molchanov, 69 degrees 32.268 minutes South. We reached this point on the 16th February, which coincided with our BBQ on the pack ice. Other highlights included sighting of Emperor Penguins and a Ross Seal in George VI Sound, and visiting some abandoned research stations that are almost never visited, such as Detaille Island and Stonington. 

I look forward to seeing you . Hasta pronto

Tom Sutherland - Professor Molchanov Feb 9, 2007

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Christine and John Donnelly

Dear Zelfa, 

First of all, we also wish you a very happy New Year and we want to thank you so much for organising our trip to Antarctica. 

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Dear Zelfa . We wanted to write and give you some feedback on our Antarctica trip.  It was a truly incredible experience which the whole family (all three generations!) loved. 
We were lucky to have near perfect weather conditions for our landing days which made up for rough conditions in the Drake passage.

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Lance and family

Antartica and the Cruise were  beyond our wildest imaginations!! The weather was great and we saw tons of penguins, whales and even orcas. I think I saw five whales breaching. The girls had a blast in the snow.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:


Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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