Ocean Endeavour

Ocean Endeavour is a comfortable, well-appointed small expedition ship expertly engineered to explore the Polar Regions. It features an ice-strengthened hull, Zodiacs for exploration and remote landings, generous deck space and advanced navigation equipment.

The ship has many superb amenities including a nautical lounge, two restaurants, sundeck, and plenty of deck space for observation of polar landscapes, and lounges for learning and reflection. The ship’s interiors have a contemporary aesthetic that provides a bright and spacious feel to the cabins and common spaces.

Electrical Supply: 220 volts, 50 Hz.


Fotos Ocean Endeavour

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Send your request to Zelfa

who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Adriane & Rob Westwater

Dear Zelfa,

Antarctica is truly a fascinating place and without a doubt the last wilderness on Earth. The scenery is breathtaking, with a new wonder on each new day.

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Ravipal Singh

Hi Zelfa, I'm back home in Los Angeles after an incredible nine weeks in South America. 

I had an absolutely fantastic time in Antarctica. The people aboard, expedition staff, Clipper staff, Clipper ship itself, the food, wildlife, Vernadsky, weather, crossing the Antarctic Circle were all absolutely magnificent.

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L. Gil & Maria Alba

Oi Zelfa,

Vacations were AMAZING!!! If fact, it were far beyond amazing! We saw so manyincredible landscapes that is really difficult to describe them with justice... being able to see whales and to stay close to seals and penguins was out of this world... we felt deeply moved by the whole experience.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:

E-mail: antartida@antartida.com.br

Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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