Amiram Pinto

hi Zelfa,

The trip was AMAZING!!! there are no words to describe the great experience we had. 

The ship was great, the staff very friendly and most of all the weather was perfect the whole way there and back.

I would recommend this trip to anyone i know and would be happy to advertise your business if you would like. Attached are just a few pics as i have thousands of pictures and still trying to sort them out. Many thanks for making this dream come true.


Amiram Pinto, a bordo del Sea Adventurer DEc 2012

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Edward C.

The Akademic Ioffe was the perfect ship for my Antarctica expedition. I feel very fortunate to have been put in contact with you to find One Ocean Expeditions, and to get the extra push to do the Kayaking option.

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Ana Steyer

I just came back for a wonderful trip to the Arctic where my sister and I went to see the Polar Bears! Our trip started in Oslo and from there we flew to Svalbard/Spitsbergen, the region between the 74 and 81 degrees North.

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Donatella e Mauro - Itália

Dear Zelfa,

no time to write before in order to thank you for the really nice experience! We've enjoyed the cruise very much and above all we have appreciated the really good organisation through Quark and yourself.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:


Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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