Dr. Rob Young

Dear Zelfa

Just had to write and thank-you for my wonderful trip to Antarctica. Imust say that I was extremely impressed by all aspects of the trip and Iam something of a globe trotter and not easily impressed.

All the arrangements you did for me in Argentina and with the trip itself to Antarctica worked out perfectly and smoothly. It was a real pleasure for me, for once, to just sit back and enjoy the trip - normally I do trips where I organise everything.

My trip got off to a great start in Ushuaia with the excursions that you organised for me - they were great - and gave me a gentle introduction to colder climates - which is a good thing for someone living in tropical Brazil.

The trip over to Antarctica on the boat went quickly and very smoothly - the Drake Passage was remarkably calm (both ways) - and on the way over we encountered ice-bergs, killer whales, sei whales and penguins - not to mention all the seabirds following the boat. Our boat - the Clipper Adventurer - was extremely comfortable - the staff extremely attentive - and the meals excellent (I dread to think how many kilos I gained - but that it what holidays are for). The programme of lectures on the boat was great - the expedition staff from Quark - really were first rate people - with lots of Antarctic and Arctic experience. Their lectures on the way over to Antarctica no only helped the time pass quickly, but really set the seen for what we were about to see.

Antarctica truly is one of the most beautiful places in the world - it is hard to put into words just how awe-inspiring the environment there is. It really makes one appreciate just how big our planet is. While the animals are largely monochromatic - the snow and ice are a thousand shades of blue - this was something I wasn't expecting. The sky also had many shades of white, grey and at times black (see attached photo). Everyday we saw literally thousands of penguins, including one lost emperor penguin - and we had the good fortune to see whales several times per day - not forgetting of course the seals which are everywhere. While the diversity of wildlife is low its quality is high and unique. Many of my photos I will be using in my classes at the university where I work as a professor of zoology.

I don't have just one lasting image of Antarctica - instead I have thousand images that play over and over in my mind. My job as a university professor is full of stress and in the last 10 years I have never switched off from it - until I went to Antarctica - I managed to spend my whole time there without thinking about my job or even checking my emails! (Something my wife found hard to believe). For the first time in years I really managed to de-stress - it is strange but being at the bottom of the world seemed to help me put things in my life in better perspective. It sounds strange to say it - but it is almost spiritual - the feeling one has in Antarctica and this feeling has stayed with me since my return - despite the demands of my job and life.

I must say that there are only two places on this planet that seem to absorb the traveller - Antarctica and the Arctic (I was there in 1997) - going to these places is like being transported to a different planet - photos or video cannot transfer the experience that one gets from the polar regions. What more can I say than I can't wait to take my kids there - but as they are 4 and 2 years old this will have to wait - for now they'll have to make do with my photos and stories. All of my family, friends, colleagues and students are turning hundreds of shades of green due to their envy when they see my photos.


Once again thank-you very much for organising this trip for me - how I am going to top this trip I don't know. 


Um grande abraço, Dr. Rob Young - Brasil - Clipper Adventurer Jan 2010

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Jessica & Marc Galens

Hi Zelfa,

Yes it was nice to meet you as well. Thank you for your hospitality and for all your help in booking our adventure. We really had a fantastic time and hope we get the chance to go back one day. 

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Andrew P.

I had the most fabulous trip. Excellent on all accounts. 

 Thank you for steering me to Polar Latitudes,

 Best wishes,

 Andrew P. UK, on board the Hebridean Sky Nov 17, 2017

Raul & Berta


We had the Trip of our life! it was incredible and we enjoyed it very much!

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:

E-mail: antartida@antartida.com.br

Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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