Bennes & Sabine Dietrich

Hello Zelfa, 

Happy New Year to you as well!

And thank you again for your hospitality in Buenos Aires. 

Antarctica was fantastico! We really enjoyed it. We spent a lot of energy (we slept quite a bit on the way back) but got back much more energy from the excitement of the whole trip. I always tell our fiends it's better than every wellness hotel and rejuvenating cure!

The great landing sites were always under different weather conditions, so we had from snowfall to deep blue sunny sky, all what you like!

The ship was super, not overdone. The crew was very friendly and we always felt very safe, the Russians obviously know what they are doing in these circumstances! Gastronomy on board couldn't be better and the organisation always runs well.

The pills you suggested against sea sickness worked very well, we never had problems although the sea on our way down was quite rough. With 4 m waves and strong wind I enjoyed to keep my balance on top deck of Lyubov Orlova and could realize how small a 100m ship could be surrounded by nothing else but deep water! 

Thanks again, Zelfa, for planing and organisation of the trip and the jackets you delivered worked very well, our gear fitted! 

We enjoyed Buenos Aires as well and may be we visit your town again this year. 

All the best

Bennes & Sabine Dietrich - UK , Orlova Dec 2007

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who has been many times to the Polar Regions

for the last 20 years


Bennes & Sabine Dietrich

Hello Zelfa, 

Happy New Year to you as well!

And thank you again for your hospitality in Buenos Aires. 

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Ramona and Steve

Dear Zelfa,

Our trip was incredible, made every landing, blue skies, lots of penguins - sooo wonderful. working on our article now - will send asap! thanks again - what a great travel agent you are!!! 

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Mike K.


Am still reflecting back on our trip to Antarctica aboard the Hebridean Sky...  I will simply say that Ann and I found Antarctica one of the most pure, wild and humbling places we have ever visited.

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Talk to Zelfa

For more information please contact Zelfa:


Phone Brasil: + 55.51. 3334.5479



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